WinPE 10 KTV Mini Lite - In this version of the Mini Lite WinPE files downsized and lightened, leaving only the necessary software.
It is enough to be used to install Windows, Ghost, check the information on the equipment configuration of the computer.
RAM in WinPE x86 (32-bit) when starting takes only 600 MB of RAM and does not support audio, network
RAM in WinPE x64 (64bit) at startup takes more than 1 GB of RAM, does not support audio and will continue to support Wifi Lan network.
Note. (Wi-Fi LAN driver package has been reduced, some machines will not get the driver if it is incomplete.)
WinPE still gets good equipment of Gen11, 12 and below, as usual, continues to support Unlocker Bitlocker, basic commands Cmd, Dism, Diskpart, not removed.
WinPE10Ktv-Mini-Lite-2022.7z - 1.0 GB