Win11 Tweaker - Enhance your Windows 11 with a series of adjustable options that can be activated or deactivated through the interface of this very simple application.
Accurate and innovative
Most of the applications that deal with tweaks have complex interfaces that scare an average user away. This is not the case with this application, mainly because the mechanism is simple. I read all the information it had to offer, and once I understood what each setting did, I proceeded to simply activate it by using the attached sliding button to the right of each particular element.
The user can enable the use of a classic context menu, disable web search right from the start menu, disable the OS lock screen, activate compact view and details pane, and activate a sound for the PRTSC key. The best part I found about this program is how well it explains what each particular option can do for you.
Modern interface
Another aspect I truly appreciated when working with this program was how trendy it looked. It fits well with the rest of the operating system, making you almost believe it was part of the software that comes bundled with Windows 11. Deactivating any of the enabled features is also equally easy. All one has to do is click the sliding button once more in order to reverse the previously executed change.
Win11 Tweaker is a really helpful application that can help any Windows 11 user out there further tailor the operating system to any given needs or desires. Some might argue that options are limited to a couple of functions that can be activated or deactivated, but there's always space for extra changes in the future
Win11.Tweaker.1.0.0.rar - 8.5 MB