USDownloader - is a universal rocking machine with file-sharing servers, there are more than 300 of them! It’s no secret that some of these sites are allowed to download only 1 stream, and 1 file at a time. Plus the part still has a pause in an hour / two before the jump of the next file. Remember that downloaded, which is not – difficult. And by the hour to guess when you can rock, and when not. For those who just want to score links, leave the computer and be sure that the program downloads everything on time, and not a minute will pass in vain and this program is written.
• recognition system of security codes
• the opportunity to build a download queue on your own. The most important files are downloaded in the first place, and you do not even have to follow this process.
• Download the schedule. USDownloader allows you to assign a time to start the the download of a file.
• The most important thing is the restoration of interrupted downloads without using a paid account.
• It’s a shame when the download is interrupted unexpectedly. First download the same happens once already. This is where it becomes an indispensable skill program.
• In addition, using USDownloader, can at the same time solve the problem of downloading videos from such services as Youtube, Rutube, etc.
USDownloader (5 MB)