Update Time - Correct erroneous date and time information on your computer in a quick and effective manner by turning to this lightweight application.
Sometimes your system might become faulty for a wide variety of reasons, including failing hardware components. One of the most common issues is corrupt time and date information.
Although you can manually reset time and date information, turning to third-party software solutions such as Update Time can be the best course of action since it can save you precious time.
Portable tool
Given that this program is portable, you do not need to install it on your computer, as simply unpacking the archive it is contained in and launching the corresponding executable grants you full control over its functions.
More so, you can run it from removable storage media, such as external HDDs or USB flash drives. You do not need to worry about it modifying any of your Windows registry entries nor about it generating additional files or folders on your PC.
No interface available
Update Time does not come with a standard user interface and does not require any additional configuration on your side since it was designed for a quite simple purpose: helping you update time and date information with minimum efforts.
You just need to launch it and the time and date parameters are automatically updated to their correct values. If you want to skip starting it every time you boot your system, you can place it in the Startup folder so that it will be automatically executed upon system start.
Whenever you run it, a small notification message is displayed in the corner of your screen, informing you of the process' success. However, running this program with an "/s" parameter disables this notification message.
Lightweight time and date update tool
All in all, Update Time is a lightweight application that can help you fix the corrupt time and date information on your system with minimum efforts. It comes with no standard user interface, requires no configuration, packs no help documentation and can be used by a broad range of users, rookies and professionals alike.
Update Time 1.3 Portable (4 MB)