TriSun PDF to X - is used to convert PDF documents to Word (.doc)/WordPad (.rtf) documents, HTML web pages, JPG/PNG/BMP/TIF/GIF/PCX/TGA images and plain text files in batch mode. It works without Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader, and has Command Line Interface (CLI), friendly interface, small size, accurate and fast conversion ability.
• Fast, accurate, small and friendly UI.
• Retains original text, images, format and layout in output files.
• Supports converting password-protected PDFs (DOC/RTF/Images).
• Supports converting specific page range (DOC/RTF/Images).
• Works in batch mode.
• Converts all pages of a PDF into ONE HTML/TXT/RTF/DOC file.
• Supports system level context menu.
• Supports Command Line Interface (CLI).
TriSun PDF to X 17.0 Build 072 Portable (3 MB)