Sicyon Unit Converter - is all you would ever need from units converter. It offers you great versatility of conversions with more than 400 units of measurement in 63 categories.
I strongly suspect that's the best unit converter for Windows there is.
• Simple to use. Smooth learning curve with mode for beginners.
• More than 400 units in 63 categories.
• Immediate conversion, convert the value you enter as you type it.
• Unit-by-unit conversions for covering all possible source/target dimensions.
• An utility similar to what the most of units converters offer - a conversion within one category.
• Edit utility to compose your source dimension.
• Convert units into their equivalent base units (e.g. [N]=[m/s^2]).
• Log the last 200 conversions. You can retrieve any logged conversion.
• Totally customizable units data file with the help of special editor, that allows you to add, modify or hide any unit or category.
• Sicyon Unit Converter is integrated in Sicyon calculator, so on the top of all the sophisticated features of the stand-alone version, you can covert units in-line.
Sicyon.Unit.Converter.3.9.rar - 2.3 MB