QuarkCopyDesk - will provides the ability to edit content without altering the layout. Using components designated as editable, authors can amend text, place photos, and precisely fit copy.
QuarkCopyDesk can help writers and reviewers fit copy precisely to the final QuarkXPress layout, eliminating extra keystrokes and risk of errors — resulting in a more efficient production environment.
• Multiple Views
• Import and Edit Images in Any Format Supported by QuarkXPress
• Notes and Redlining
• Compatible with Industry-standard Word Processors
• Multi Language Support
• And much more..
What's New
Article setup: Master components
* Create master components (templates for article components, with a headline, subhead, body, caption, etc.), containing a width, a number of columns, and gutter measurements. Changes made to a master component are reflected in all components that are based on that master component.
Intrinsic font controls & warnings
* Intrinsic fonts are distinct font styles built into font families, such as Times New Roman MT Std Bd. Simulated fonts are computer-generated variations that QuarkCopyDesk creates when there is no intrinsic font style available. QuarkCopyDesk displays warning icons to allow you to easily identify simulated fonts in order to prevent output problems.
Hanging characters
* A hanging character can be, for example, a drop cap that hangs outside of the left text margin for additional emphasis.
Enhanced drag-and-drop for text and graphics
* Drag text and graphics from the file system directly to the layout.
* - Drag directly from another application.
Publish globally
* QuarkCopyDesk offers global publishing capabilities for more than 30 languages. The new universal file format, hyphenation, and spelling capabilities of QuarkCopyDesk mean that you can be sure your team works together seamlessly, whether you’re designing multi-lingual documents or repurposing a document from another part of the world — including East Asian files. QuarkCopyDesk also includes a multiple-language user interface that can be switched at will, letting team members’ work in the language they choose.
QuarkCopyDesk 2021 v17.0 Portable (871 MB)