Portable Mayura Draw PRO - is the name of a new tool in the field of vector-based drawing and design that allows you to have high-quality designs in large sizes. As you know, in the digital world, digital images are divided into raster and vector. Raster images are among the images that are made based on pixels and have a fixed size. This means that enlarging these images will cause the loss of pixel quality and the overall quality of the photo. In contrast, vector images are made based on precise calculations; This means that zooming in these images, by recalculating, will update the image in the new size and no quality loss will be observed. Due to the widespread use of vector images in the field of design and its use in advertising, animation, etc., several tools have been considered for this purpose, and in this article we will introduce one of these tools to you.
This software is a vector-based drawing tool that, unlike other raster drawing tools, depicts all drawn objects with vector coordinates (not pixels). Using this tool, you can use your creativity and draw very detailed quality drawings and save them in different formats and sizes.
Mayura.Draw.PRO.4.5.Portable.rar - 11.4 MB