MagicCopyPaster - The program expands the clipboard's functions, allowing you to copy or cut an unlimited number of items.
MagicCopyPaster is easy to use; when enabled, all copied and cut text data will be saved for use from a simple UI. To insert a saved text element, click on it, and it will be copied to the clipboard, and you can insert it where you want. You can use hotkeys for the first ten cells of text data - the CTRL + key sequence number (CTRL + 1, CTRL + 2 ... to CTRL + 0, etc.) to copy the data to the clipboard and paste it.
MagicCopyPaster permits you to edit the text data in any cell and save the changes. This action is performed by clicking the selected cell and editing the text in the edit window. When you accumulate data that is no longer needed, you can select the cell and hit the "delete selected" button. You can also clear all via the "delete all" button. At startup, MagicCopyPaster remains minimized in the systray. One neat feature included is if you disable MagicCopyPaster or close the program, your text data is copied over to the default Windows clipboard.
MagicCopyPaster 1.0 (1 MB)